The Unavailable Players list is compiled by the ISFL player management system and is correct at this time.
This list is not coherent with any County FA suspensions. Please check the FA website for additional information.
Please be aware that this may change before the fixture is due to take place.
Trinity FC
harvey bell (B)
lewis bennett (B)
ben couszins (B)
luke dore (B)
keiran driver (B)
matthew dunnett (B)
bayley garraghan (B)
matthew hart (B)
jacob hatcher (B)
paul michael hockley (B)
mitch howard (B)
rhys lankester (B)
frankie lunzy (B)
jack marklove (B)
craig marsh (B)
hayden pollock (B)
benjamin riddleston (B)
samuel rose (B)
thomas rudland (B)
bradley simpson (B)
aaron stammers (B)
fagan starling (B)
kieron summers (B)
adam taylor (B)
joe thomas (B)
ollie ward (B)
matthew watkins (B)
alex west (B)
james williams (B)
john williams (B)
Stowmarket Utd
edmund baker (B)
elliot ballard (B)
chris barrow (B)
terry beard (B)
ethan brand (B)
james butcher (B)
jackson butterworth (B)
ethan cannings (B)
benjamin carter (B)
aaron carter (B)
joshua cobbold (B)
frazer cole (A)
sean colman (B)
charlie curr (B)
tommy diaper (B)
robbie dickinson (B)
thomas edgar (B)
nathan farrant (B)
logan fisher (B)
martyn fisher (B)
leo fraser-bell (B)
bryce garnham (B)
ian green (B)
bradley griffiths (B)
george griffiths (B)
jack hodgkins (B)
christopher howell (B)
liam hutchinson (A)
josh hynard (B)
gary jarrold (B)
jermaine jones (B)
jordan keeble (B)
oliver lester (B)
joshua mace (B)
jamie meadows (B)
archie murdoch (B)
matthew musgrove (B)
bobby musgrove (B)
karl myers (B)
harry newman (B)
tj phair (B)
caden porter (B)
thomas raby (B)
luke radziszewski (B)
jack richardson (B)
connor roberts (B)
stuart rowsell (B)
nathan rumsby (B)
stephen shepherd (B)
kyle skinner (B)
ellis smith (B)
jordan stannard (B)
ben stansfield (B)
lewis sturman (B)
nathan styles (B)
jamie taylor (B)
sean taylor (B)
gazza vinyard (B)
luke walton (B)
charlie wells (B)
james peter wharrier (B)
luke whelan (B)
joseph willis (B)
jordan wright (B)
ryan wright (B)