The Unavailable Players list is compiled by the ISFL player management system and is correct at this time.
This list is not coherent with any County FA suspensions. Please check the FA website for additional information.
Please be aware that this may change before the fixture is due to take place.
Eye Saints FC
Gardeners Arms
jordan bell (B)
william boosey (B)
anthony cockerill (B)
jack dillon (B)
rijan haque (B)
james ingham (B)
daniel ingham (B)
luke kingham-jones (B)
daniel mclaughlin (B)
connor padmore (B)
blaine parker (B)
toby rose (B)
jordan rowe (B)
matthew shaw (B)
craig sutton (B)
jack young (B)
scott adams
ben atkinson
ashley barker
tom baybutt
florin burca
charlie cooper
kieran cox
kyle cox
hayden crispin
kevin crispin
haydon edwards
owen glover
kriss green
liam hamling
kerran hillman
karl ivey
ross metcalf
johnathon nailon
charles north
brandon oakes
terry payne
lee power
motiur rahman
darren sharp
jack blanchard
isaac everett