The Unavailable Players list is compiled by the ISFL player management system and is correct at this time.
This list is not coherent with any County FA suspensions. Please check the FA website for additional information.
Please be aware that this may change before the fixture is due to take place.
Shotley Rose FC
taos allen (B)
callum byford (B)
daniel cook (B)
justin davies (A)
calum dolan (B)
alex gibson (A)
ben grogan (B)
james harbut (B)
kieran mandley (B)
matthew nunn (B)
tobias owen-jones (B)
sam pugh (B)
cameron rowland (B)
terry scutcher (B)
daniel scutcher (B)
ryan scutcher (B)
tommy smith (B)
greg symes (B)
josh turner (B)
charlie turner (B)
alan wearing (B)
teddy weeding (B)
Clapgate Lane FC
michael bixby