The Unavailable Players list is compiled by the ISFL player management system and is correct at this time.
This list is not coherent with any County FA suspensions. Please check the FA website for additional information.
Please be aware that this may change before the fixture is due to take place.
The Panthers FC
callum bale (B)
kieran bleasby (B)
harvey bolton (B)
tony brunt (B)
thomas bugg (B)
frazer bullock (B)
ryan burgett (B)
cobey butchart (B)
will chambers (B)
macaulay dufton (B)
jay duncan (B)
billy farrow (B)
charlie farrow (B)
kenneth fry (B)
stefan gordon (B)
isaac grant (B)
jamaal guthrie (B)
sam leary (B)
lewis mansfield (B)
matthew mcgill (B)
devon miller (B)
leroy o'neil (B)
alfie robinson (B)
jordan ryder (B)
ross sharplin (B)
steven smith (B)
james smith (B)
daniel smith (B)
leiam turner (B)
michael warne (B)
nile willmott (B)
heath willmott (B)
craig wright (B)
ayhan yildiz (B)
Gardeners Arms
jordan bell (B)
william boosey (B)
anthony cockerill (B)
jay dillon (B)
joe dillon (B)
jack dillon (B)
isaac everett (B)
rijan haque (B)
benjamin hicks (B)
alexander hunt (B)
daniel ingham (B)
james ingham (B)
joseph keinzley (B)
luke kingham-jones (B)
jamie mccullum (B)
daniel mclaughlin (B)
connor padmore (B)
blaine parker (B)
jadyn pennock (B)
samuel quinton (B)
toby rose (B)
jordan rowe (B)
matthew shaw (B)
kyon simbai (B)
daniel smith (B)
craig sutton (B)
marcus szyszlyk (B)
jordan vaughan (B)
lucas white (B)
ross wintrup (B)
jack young (B)
andrew fox
jack blanchard
chris webber